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Custom Tariff

You can search for HS Codes for different categories of goods, their duty rate and the related Regulatory Authority if a permit is required.

HS Code Description Duty %
22021029 Rita Blue Sparkling 275ml 5.00
24041221 Black Note Cigar Tobacco Pleasant & aromatic 10ml 100.00
24041211 Juul Blackcurrant Tobacco (Set of 2 Pods) 100.00
24041221 Vpro Twist Vapors Grape Cocktail Salt Nicotine 50ml 100.00
24041221 Miami Flavors Smart Pom 50ml 100.00
24041900 Mazaj Box Disposable 3000 Puffs Cigar Coffee Caramel (Single Unit) 100.00
24031100 Al Dawli Two Apple Molasses 250g 100.00
24041900 Innokin Innobar Disposable 3500 Puffs Dragon Fruit (Single Unit) (Duty Free) 100.00
24041900 Innokin Innobar Disposable 6000 Puffs Blueberry (Single Unit) (Duty Free) 100.00
24021000 Nub Nuance Double Roast Cigars (Pack of 5) 100.00
22021024 Monster Ultra Gold 500ml (Pack Of 12) 5.00
24041221 Naked Hawaiian Pog Ice Salt Nicotine 30ml 100.00
24041221 Vapers Treats Cookies & Custard Salt Nicotine 30ml 100.00
24041221 Bazooka Blue Raspberry Ice Salt Nicotine 30ml 100.00
24041221 Mazaj Mango 30ml 100.00
24022000 Super Kings Lights 200'S (Duty Free Item - Price Per Individual Pack) 100.00
72143030 - - - Of circular cross-section measuring less than 8mm in diameter 10.00
24021000 Quai D'Orsay Senadores 2019 25'S (Duty Free) 100.00
24041211 XERO+ Pineapple & Lime Disposable Pod 100.00
24041221 Black Note Virginia Tobacco Light & Mildly Sweet 10ml 100.00
22021024 Power Horse Energy Drink Bottle 250ml 5.00